Students interested in interning with an independent media outlet this summer should apply soon. There are limited spots available and the deadline is Monday, March 23. See the application at the bottom of our internship page.

Students interested in interning with an independent media outlet this summer should apply soon. There are limited spots available and the deadline is Monday, March 23. See the application at the bottom of our internship page.
Falsehood and Fascism in State of the Union — Contradictions, fascist politics, and lies riddled President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night. Since Trump entered office in 2016, the economy has begun to crawl, not boom. Millions live in poverty and...
For 40 years, Mary Dugan has watched her hometown of East Greenbush, New York, transform from a sleepy rural community into a bustling Albany suburb, its once solitary forests now peppered with stripmalls and daily traffic jams. It's a transition Dugan hasn't minded....
It turns out pinnipeds know how to clap back. In fact, clapping back — and forward — between each other is how they communicate. Marine mammals, like whales, were known to use clicks to communicate to each other; now, according to new research, wild gray seals...
In December 2018, Chinyere Ezie, blasted Prada’s New York City store in a Facebook post for its “Pradamalia” line, which included items that clearly used Blackface imagery. The civil rights attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) then filed a...
Colin Absolam, who was facing imminent deportation to Jamaica after being released on parole from prison, was pardoned on Wednesday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He was pardoned after lawyers petitioned the governor's office, noting that he had already served 25 years for...
During the last Democratic presidential primary debate, a far-right group called NumbersUSA sponsored a slew of ads advocating for a long-sought-after xenophobic immigration policy: E-Verify. According to the website Broadcasting+Cable, NumbersUSA was the second...
If what happens in courtrooms across the country to poor people of color is justice, what is happening in the Senate is a trial. If the blood-drenched debacles and endless quagmires in the Middle East are victories in the war on terror, our military is the greatest on...
More than 14 million taxpayers paid for tax prep software last year that they could have gotten for free, according to a scathing audit released Wednesday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. That amounts to roughly a billion dollars in revenue...
The final results of Monday’s Democratic Iowa caucuses remain unknown, with 71% of precincts reporting the final tallies of the first 2020 presidential contest. Senator Bernie Sanders is leading in the popular vote, while former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has a...