
Speaker Series: Sandra Steingraber

Sandra Steingraber, February 2010 In an inspiring public lecture, author/ecologist Steingraber discussed the responsibility of journalists and media in this era of ecological crisis. She discussed the environmental causes of cancer and other diseases, punctuating her...

Speaker Series: Tia Lessin and Carl Deal

Tia Lessin and Carl Deal, September 2009 In two public presentations and several smaller gatherings with IC students, award-winning filmmakers TIA LESSIN AND CARL DEAL screened and discussed their work – includingTrouble the Water, the 2009 Oscar-nominated documentary...

Speaker Series: Rich Lowry

Rich Lowry, November 2009 Longtime editor of the independent conservative magazine National Review, Lowry presented an engaging public lecture titled “Death to ‘Legacy’ Media: A Defense of New and Independent Media.” He reviewed U.S. press history – highly partisan...

Speaker Series: Matt Taibbi

Matt Taibbi, February 2009 MATT TAIBBI is as hilarious a speaker as he is a writer. Speaking to a large crowd in Emerson on “Independent Journalism Amidst Conformist Media,” Rolling Stone‘s politics writer detailed his career as a journalistic rule-breaker – while...

Speaker Series: Jeremy Scahill

Jeremy Scahill, December 2008 JEREMY SCAHILL addressed a packed Park Auditorium and identified a key attribute of an independent journalist: heart. He spoke of his evolution from activist for homeless people to volunteer at Democracy Now!, and ultimately to...

Speaker Series: Josh Marshall

Josh Marshall, September 2008 JOSH MARSHALL keynoted the inaugural symposium of the Park Center for Independent Media. Founder of the Talking Points Memo/TPM Muckraker blogs, he won the 2008 Polk Award in legal reporting for relentless coverage of the...

Speaker Series: Rory Kennedy

Rory Kennedy, January 2008 RORY KENNEDY, award-winning documentary filmmaker, was our inaugural speaker. Kennedy is the co-founder/president of Moxie Firecracker Films, Inc. Her impressive body of work tackles some of our most pressing social concerns--poverty,...