From Indy Media

Dismally Slow Vaccine Distribution Sets Up A Long 2021

Dismally Slow Vaccine Distribution Sets Up A Long 2021

It’s becoming increasingly clear that it will be many months until the U.S.’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign reaches the general public, as government data shows severe delays in the effort amid a lack of planning by the Trump administration. The country has managed to...

Inside Trump and Barr’s Last-Minute Killing Spree

Inside Trump and Barr’s Last-Minute Killing Spree

In its hurry to use its final days in power to execute federal prisoners, the administration of President Donald Trump has trampled over an array of barriers, both legal and practical, according to court records that have not been previously reported. Officials gave...

COVID-19: Coming to a Jail Near You

COVID-19: Coming to a Jail Near You

Wayne Colson Sr. recalls feeling “helpless” with his son sitting in jail as news of the COVID-19 pandemic was breaking. A loyal father, Colson had visited his son every Sunday. “I didn’t want him to feel like nobody was there,” he says in an interview. “I was never...

The Case for Wide-Scale Debt Relief

The Case for Wide-Scale Debt Relief

Even before Covid arrived, total household debt in the United States had reached a record-breaking $14 trillion, the result of decades of stagnating wages and slashed social services. The pandemic only reinforces the reality that mass indebtedness is a structural...