From Indy Media

Press Passes: The NYPD giveth and the NYPD taketh away

Press Passes: The NYPD giveth and the NYPD taketh away

LAST WEEK, BEFORE HEADING OUT to report on New York City’s intensifying protests over the death of George Floyd, I cut a patch out of a white T-shirt, scribbled press on it with a black Sharpie, and pinned it to my backpack. A few days later, feeling the need for an...

We Need More Care, Not More Cops

We Need More Care, Not More Cops

They are everywhere at the protests, handing out masks, squirts of hand sanitizer, bottles of water, energy bars. They don’t have a name, really, the people who decide to come to the marches prepared to keep others around them safe, fed, and hydrated. There are...

Jim Mattis vs. Tom Cotton: No Contest

Jim Mattis vs. Tom Cotton: No Contest

As the revolt against The New York Times’ decision to publish GOP Senator Tom Cotton’s op-ed calling on President Donald Trump to “send in the troops” spread across social media Wednesday night, encouraged by brave Times writers who publicly challenged the move, it...