From Indy Media



When the price of Apple stock hit a then-record high in October 2018, among the shareholders counting their gains were 43 Republicans in Congress, who collectively owned as much as $1.5 million worth of the tech giant’s shares. Apple’s stock jumped 37 percent in its...

Who’s Afraid of the IRS? Not Facebook.

Who’s Afraid of the IRS? Not Facebook.

In March 2008, as Facebook was speeding toward 100 million users and emerging as the next big tech company, it announced an important hire. Sheryl Sandberg was leaving Google to become Facebook’s chief operating officer. CEO Mark Zuckerberg, then 23 years...

Kids’ Climate Lawsuit Thrown Out by Appeals Court

Kids’ Climate Lawsuit Thrown Out by Appeals Court

A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a lawsuit brought by a group of young people that had sought to compel the federal government to rein in the nation's climate emissions. In dismissing the suit, the court noted that the plaintiffs had succeeded in making a...

Where Are the Oscar Nominations for Asian Actors?

Where Are the Oscar Nominations for Asian Actors?

Director Bong Joon Ho is having a major, well-deserved moment this year with numerous film award wins for 2019’s class thriller “Parasite” (Golden Globe, Cannes Film Festival, National Society of Film Critics Awards to name just a few). The film is also the first...

MLK and the Black Misleadership Class

MLK and the Black Misleadership Class

Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday is the greatest sheer spectacle of hypocrisy and historical duplicity of the year, as Black misleaders take center stage to claim his mandate and mission on behalf of a corporate party. “While Dr. King rejected an alliance with the...

The Big Loser in the Iowa Debate? CNN’s Reputation

The Big Loser in the Iowa Debate? CNN’s Reputation

The biggest loser from last night’s Democratic debate (1/14/20) was CNN’s journalistic credibility. CNN debates have been marked by a tendency to pit one candidate against another, American Gladiators-style (, 8/2/19), so it’s no surprise that the cable...

Why Anti-Semitism Is on the Rise in the United States

Why Anti-Semitism Is on the Rise in the United States

My grandmother Sarah would not have been surprised by the upsurge in anti-Semitism during the past few years. “Scratch a goy, you’ll find an anti-Semite,” she used to say, using the Yiddish word for non-Jew. I didn’t agree with her, but I understood where she was...

Jeff Bezos Plays the Cowboy With the Indians

Jeff Bezos Plays the Cowboy With the Indians

Forbes has followed Jeff Bezos on his pilgrimage to India this week. On January 15, the journal reported on Amazon’s declared ambition to help boost the Indian economy. The magazine reports: “Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos said on Wednesday from New...