From Indy Media

Inequality in the Trump Era

Inequality in the Trump Era

In the spring of 2014, I published a series of essays at Dissent under the banner of “Our Inequality.” The overarching argument, following the work of a generation of institutional and labor economists, was that the dramatic growth in economic inequality since the...

The top words of 2019

The top words of 2019

THE GENDER-NEUTRAL PRONOUN “THEY,” which has been exploding in usage and acceptance, is the American Dialect Society’s Word of the Decade and Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year. The ADS Word of the Year was “(my) pronouns,” an expression in which someone tells you how...

Who Wins and Loses in the Middle East?

Who Wins and Loses in the Middle East?

Following Iran’s missile attacks on a two US airbase, one outside Baghdad and the second near Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan, US President Donald Trump almost triumphantly announced that Iran is now standing down in their the two countries’ intensified conflict following...