From Indy Media

The US Will Never Leave the Middle East

The US Will Never Leave the Middle East

A large number of people seem to believe that World War III has begun with the drone strike that killed Iran’s Quds Force commander, General Qassem Soleimani, on January 3. On December 27, a US military contractor was killed in a rocket attack in Iraq, and the US...

The Indy is the ultimate megaphone

The Indy is the ultimate megaphone

Journalism alum and former intern Olivia Riggio ’19 discusses her internship experience in The Indy is the Ultimate Megaphone. “The Indy has served as a place for me to be challenged and where I have realized I’m capable of pursuing what I’m passionate about....

Dirty Air and Water Are Killing Us

Dirty Air and Water Are Killing Us

Pollution—whether it comes from a car’s tailpipe, a coal-fired power plant, or a toxic waste dump—claimed more than eight million lives around the world in 2017, fully 15 percent of all deaths. That’s according to a new report published by the Global Alliance on...

Where Is the Green New Deal Headed in 2020?

Where Is the Green New Deal Headed in 2020?

To appreciate the power of the Green New Deal—the mobilization effort for clean energy and jobs that burst into the national conversation last year—look at how forcefully the opponents of climate action moved to quash it. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of...

The Secrets of NYT Racism

The Secrets of NYT Racism

In publishing “The Secrets of Jewish Genius,” an opinion piece by regular columnist Bret Stephens, The New York Times demonstrated its commitment to free speech, at least for its stable of elite writers. That commitment means tolerating even the expression of extreme...

Stopping the War This Time

Stopping the War This Time

The Trump administration is trying to ring in the new decade with a new war. The attack on Iranian officials at the Baghdad International Airport happened without congressional approval. That is nothing new. But it also came without even the trappings of a public...