From Indy Media

Trump Touts Support from Putin Over Impeachment

Trump Touts Support from Putin Over Impeachment

You can’t make it up. President Donald Trump on Friday night touted a statement from Russian President Vladimir Putin criticizing Trump’s impeachment. Trump did this amid continuing revelations that Putin helped sell him on the discredited theory that Ukraine, not...

Where’s the Backlash Over Trump and Brexit?

Where’s the Backlash Over Trump and Brexit?

I dutifully got a shot this winter to inoculate myself against four different flu viruses. By exposing myself to weakened strains of these diseases, and preemptively suffering some mild flu symptoms, I can ward off the more serious consequences of a full-on infection...

The Five Corrupt Pillars of Climate Change Denial

The Five Corrupt Pillars of Climate Change Denial

The fossil fuel industry, political lobbyists, media moguls and individuals have spent the past 30 years sowing doubt about the reality of climate change – where none exists. The latest estimate is that the world’s five largest publicly-owned oil and gas companies...

Silicon Valley’s Stonewalling

Silicon Valley’s Stonewalling

During the 2016 presidential race, Cambridge Analytica, a consulting firm, used data from up to eighty-seven million Facebook profiles to target voters on behalf of Donald Trump. An academic researcher had access to the data as part of a standard research arrangement,...

Freedom Rider: Abolish the Police

Freedom Rider: Abolish the Police

Attorney General William Barr created quite a controversy  with his comments about community support for police departments. “And they have to start showing, more than they do, the respect and support that law enforcement deserves. And if communities don't give that...

Plutocrats Are Trying to Buy the Democratic Nomination

Plutocrats Are Trying to Buy the Democratic Nomination

From three different vectors, the oligarchy is on the march to capture the Democratic presidential nomination. Pete Buttigieg has made big gains. A timeworn ally of corporate power, Joe Biden, is on a campaign for his last hurrah. And Michael Bloomberg is swooping...

What Do Young People Think About Impeaching Trump?

What Do Young People Think About Impeaching Trump?

House Democratic leaders yesterday formally called for President Donald Trump’s removal from office, arguing that he “ignored and injured the interests of the nation” in two articles of impeachment that accused him of abusing his power and obstructing Congress. But...