From Indy Media

The War on Terror Cost $6.4 Trillion and 800,000 Lives

The War on Terror Cost $6.4 Trillion and 800,000 Lives

The Real News Network GREG WILPERT: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Greg Wilpert in Arlington, Virginia. Martin Luther King once famously called the United States “the world’s greatest purveyor of violence in the world.” Two recently published studies seem...

Silencing the Beast of Bolivian Populism

Silencing the Beast of Bolivian Populism

CounterPunch The risible tension between the tailored elitism of the Bolivian bourgeoisie and the restive pueblo of indigenous peasants was memorably captured in the 2005 film Our Brand Is Crisis. The documentary colorfully exposes the sleazy...

The Stain on America’s Soul That Will Not Wash Away

The Stain on America’s Soul That Will Not Wash Away

Truthdig Guantanamo Bay has become a name synonymous with torture and lawlessness. Years after the so-called “War on Terror” began, information about operations in this U.S.-controlled section of Cuba have slowly leaked out. In an astounding new book titled “A Place...