From Indy Media

Trump Administration Incoherence Could Lead to War

Trump Administration Incoherence Could Lead to War

The Nation Among members of the nation-security elite, it’s become de rigueur to bemoan Donald Trump’s “neo-isolationism” and its alleged threat to the liberal international order. That line finds its popular counterpoint among Resistance liberals, who echo Hillary...

Why Hondurans set fire to the US embassy

Why Hondurans set fire to the US embassy

The Grayzone The streets of Honduras were filled with protesters and clouds of tear gas as the month of June began. The national police fanned out through the country to crush the protests with heavy-handed tactics at the direction of President Juan Orlando...

Mauled by American Meritocracy

Mauled by American Meritocracy

Truthdig The news that Amy Chua, the semi-notorious author of the dual memoir and parenting self-help book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” secured her daughter a Supreme Court clerkship under the tutelage of Justice Brett Kavanaugh is many...