From Indy Media

The Haves and Have-Nots of Big Data

The Haves and Have-Nots of Big Data

The Nation The use of facial recognition in airports has long been controversial, with citizens expressing outrage over the abuse of their privacy. This confrontation came to a head recently when San Francisco voted to ban facial-recognition software in law...

Texas Pipeline Bill Criminalizes Water Protectors

Texas Pipeline Bill Criminalizes Water Protectors

The Real News Network JACQUELINE LUQMAN: This is Jacqueline Luqman with The Real News Network in Baltimore. Since the massive protests at Standing Rock to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, the fossil fuel industry has been quietly pressuring...

Imperial Joe: Biden Trades Bread and Circuses for War

Imperial Joe: Biden Trades Bread and Circuses for War

CounterPunch Bread and circuses pacified the Roman masses while the emperors with their legions patrolled far borders to pacify barbarians who resisted joining the empire. Joe Biden updated this governing method at his presidential campaign launch rally in...

The 2020 Election Hinges on Health Care

The 2020 Election Hinges on Health Care

Truthdig Last week, I visited the Venice Family Clinic in Los Angeles near a public housing project in a poor neighborhood. Two days later, I drove to a South Los Angeles area where pollution from the freeway—not to mention mold, rat droppings, dust and...