Prevalence of workplace injuries is not something the US wants to see increasing, but that may well be the case. In article by The Nation, they discuss how in the past few years, reduced investment in OSHA has led to a more unsafe environment for workers across the country.
Saudi Arabia’s history on human rights has been a shoddy one at best. They often crack down on dissent within the country along with arresting and jailing those that disagree with the established order. This makes it somewhat surprising, as the Middle East Eye reports, that the country released three women activists who had been jailed for speaking out against the country’s ban on women driving. |
When most people think about Google, all they see is the search engine, with the company behind it doing little else of note. That is not the case when it comes to China, as the Intercept reports, and Google’s selectively censored search engine, called Dragonfly, that Google is creating for the heavily censored country which is being worked on in secret despite a usually more open development process.

The construction and maintenance of public housing tends to be sidelined in favor of endless political coverage. When public housing does get the spotlight, it’s often to show how horrible the situation is for those having to live in such dilapidated conditions. Which makes it all the more interesting, as FAIR reports, when NYC tries to repair its public housing program through private companies, more media outlets aren’t talking about the adverse affect this will have on those living in public housing.
There are many institutions in the US that receive widespread support among both parties, from the military to condemning Russia. Nowhere is this more apparent then when discussing NATO and how much more the US should be pushing the borders of the alliance ever closer to Russia. As truthdig reports, this aggressive mentality with NATO may be pushing both countries closer and closer to nuclear war, to the detriment of everyone.
As the Green New Deal does not get enough votes in the Senate to be enacted, the critics of the deal continue to ridicule the proposed agenda the deal supports. While Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez decries the deal’s critics on Twitter and in committee hearings, Democracy Now! talks with one of the people who helped write the deal to clear up some of the misleading arguments surrounding the deal and be clear in what the deal is meant to do.

For those in the US, the intricacies of Brexit is not on many people’s radar. What can be understood by Americans is the way in which a right leaning media outlet might attempt to sway the public in one way or another, in this case supporting whatever prime minister May is doing. As Counterpunch reports, this strategy by the Financial Times is one they are not to thrilled about, and need to give a summary of what’s happened before diving into what’s gone wrong. |

After hurrican Maria left many in Puerto Rico in dire straits, and following a lackluster rebuilding effort by the federal government, most people forgot about what’s been happening in the US colony. However, when it comes to the affects of natural gas infrastructure and devastation it can cause, the Real News Network is ther to give a much needed update that many in more mainstream outlets don’t report on. |
The situation in North Korea is always a tricky one, and the recent attempts by the Trump administration to get Kim Jong Un to submit to the the US military has produced little in terms of tangible results. This is why the current approach of ‘maximum pressure’, as described by the National Interest, has been not effective in getting Kim to agree to the same terms that Trump is proposing.

The saga of the Russiagate, and the various iterations it has gone through over Trumps time in office have led many outside of mainstream news to question the intense focus placed on these kinds of stories by mainstream news outlets. What many don’t think about when presented with Russiagate, is its relation to Birtherism against Obama, with the Ghion Journal giving a rundown of these two scandals have a lot in common.

The HEADLINES:1. EU member states unanimously reject Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights (The Independent)2. Lasting Grief After a Mass Shooting (The Atlantic)3. Mueller’s Team Likely Compiled Massive Amount Of Documents And Evidence (HuffPost)
4. Brexit: Government plans to hold new vote (BBC)
5. Venezuela: Maduro blames blackout on sniper and tells people to pray (The Guardian) |