MIAMI — A black SUV, part of a Cubans for Trump caravan, rams into Jonathan Gartrelle, a Black Lives Matter activist at a small protest in downtown Miami on July 182020Video shows Gartrelle landing hard on the hood of the vehicle, then sliding off. The SUV speeds away. 

The man who drove into Gartrelle, an unidentified Trump supporter, is the one who’s pressing charges — against Gartrelle. 

The driver claims Gartrelle stole a flag from his SUV. Police arrested Gartrelle a couple of days later, charging him with two felonies — one for escape and one for strong arm robbery — as well as misdemeanor counts of resisting an officer and obstructing a public street. 

These charges are ​hilariously overbroad,” says Alex Saiz, Gartrelle’s attorney and director of legal services for the Florida Justice Center. ​As you read the arrest form, you think, ​This is nonsense.’ ”

Read more at In These Times.